Suhum co-operative
Suhum Co-operative, cocoa, Ghana (producer)
Cocoa is a complex crop that requires nurturing, with farmers needing to grow their yield in areas without direct sun, wind and risk of disease.
However, cocoa trees can start failing, even with the best of care. For instance, we know from lending customers like Suhum in Ghana, that the cocoa yield has suffered over the past two years due to a fungal disease, which has attacked the older cocoa trees.

President, Mr. Kwame Asa-Ofori, said:
“Thanks to Shared Interest investors, we have recently bought a new truck and employed a driver to distribute these vital materials to our farmers, and also to transport Fairtrade Certified cocoa beans from our farmers to the depot.”
Caring cocoa co-operative is credit to community
In 2015, Suhum Co-operative in Ghana used a Shared Interest loan to buy fertilisers and insecticides to combat problems caused by pests. As a result, their cocoa production is predicted to increase, despite facing further challenges last year due to poor rainfall. Luckily, 70% of their farms are ‘hybrid’, which means they are more resilient to harsh weather. The Government Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) introduced this special variety of cocoa in response to a rapid deforestation in Eastern Ghana due to illegal mining.
Mr. Kwame Asa-Ofori – President of the Suhum Co-operative said: “Cocoa yield has been falling over the past two years due to the fungal disease, and poor rainfall due to the harsh climatic conditions. Thankfully, the COCOBOD has organised a mass spraying of cocoa farms. Shared Interest finance helps us improve the more vulnerable trees affected, meanwhile increasing the productivity of our healthy crop.”
Read more about Suhum Co-operative in QR 103.
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