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Cooperativa Agraria Cacaotera Acopagro Ltda. (ACOPAGRO) is a cocoa producer located in the San Martín region of Peru. The co-operative was established in 1997 by a group of 27 farmers.


AgroAndino is a social enterprise, working with smallholder farmers to produce 100% naturally dried fruit, including goldenberries, bananas and mangos.

Aldea Coffee

Aldea Coffee is a Nicaraguan coffee producer founded by 22 farmers, now supporting 14,000 farmers in one of the world's most undeveloped regions, Jinotega, through the use of technology.


Allpa is a Peruvian handcraft organisation whose name means ‘earth’ in Quechua Indian. The organisation employs 27 people and works with hundreds of families located in various parts of Peru.

Alto Huallaga

Alto Huallaga is a cocoa producing co-operative located in the Huánuco region of central Peru. The co-operative was formed in 2009 and its membership covers a wide area and varied altitudes, which increases the sustainability of production.

Angel Felting

Founded in 1999, Angel Felting is a small handcraft business based in Mongolia. Husband and wife, Dashdorj Erdenetulga and Byambajargal Munkhjargal set up the business by making woollen slippers at home.

Asociacion San Martin

Located in Moyobamba district, Asociacion San Martin are an Organic and Fairtrade coffee producing co-operative working with over 600 farmers, offering training and technical support to members as a way of increasing their yields.

Association Ton (ATN)

ATN works with mango and cashew nut producers in Burkina Faso. They dream of providing a nursery for staff and the community, an ambulance for the local hospital, and a micro credit union for ATN members.


Asunafo is a fast-growing Ghanaian cocoa producer, despite many of the challenges faced by economic and environmental factors. They registered as a co-operative in 2011 with just over a thousand farmers.

Banyankole Coffee Services

Banyankole Coffee Services (BCS) was founded by three coffee farmers in Western Uganda, 2014. Today, BCS works with more than 1,500 farmers, supporting them to export the highest quality Robusta coffee to local and international markets.

Bees for business

Our Bees for Business project which supports 50 women in rural Burkina Faso to become beekeepers and produce honey giving them a year-round, sustainable source of income.


Created by two mums, The Bshirt is an award-winning brand known for its innovative breastfeeding clothing design and ‘slow fashion’ approach to maternity clothes.


Working in partnership with local co-operative, Coproexnic, this project is supporting 40 women in rural northern Nicaragua to become organic sesame farmers.

Building Sustainable Solutions to Poverty Malawi

In 2016 we started a three year project working in partnership with Malawi Fairtrade Network (MFTN) to reduce poverty levels among their member producers.

Bukonzo Farmers

Bukonzo Organic Farmers Co-operative Union started out as a group of six organic coffee farmers who were keen to spread their message of environmental awareness.

CAC Pangoa

Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera (CAC Pangoa) was established in 1977. Today, the co-op works with over 700 coffee and cocoa farmers, improving economic incomes and raising standards of living for members.


CADESA are a cocoa producer using groundbreaking technology, Farmforce, to transform the way cocoa co-operatives operate.

CAES Piura

Founded by four producer organisations in 2014, CAES Piura is an agricultural co-operative that processes and exports organic sugarcane grown in the mountains of the Piura region of northern Peru.


In 2014, a group of 25 farmers came together with the ambition to export this premium quality coffee to customers worldwide. They became known as Cafescor, and since then they have grown their membership to over 400 coffee farmers.


For over 15 years, Candela has used Shared Interest finance to sustain a precious relationship with the Peruvian Amazon.


Capim is a beekeeping organisation with a focus on organic production.


In this case study we reveal the benefits of Capucas, a Honduran coffee co-operative, based in an area that has recently suffered the effects of two hurricanes.


CAYAT is a cocoa, coffee and cashew nut producing co-operative, based in Ivory Coast.


CECAFE brings together 852 farmers in the Amazonas region of Peru, who believe that their coffee is a symbol of wellbeing.


Cecanor are coffee producers based in Peru.

Co-op Hibiscus

Coop Hibiscus is a co-operative based in Nicaragua. The farmers cultivate hibiscus, which is processed into juice, wine hibiscus concentrate and dried hibiscus, before being sold locally.


We reveal the benefits Rwandan co-operative, COCAGI, a coffee co-operative in Rwanda, has brought to its wider community.


COCOPACK is a Fairtrade coconut producer based in Ivory Coast – the first organisation to obtain FLO certification for coconut in Africa, and the first coconut producer Shared Interest has financed.


COOPARM has 500 members, who work to Fairtrade and organic standards, putting people and planet at the forefront of their work in producing high quality coffee.

Crafting Fairer Futures

In September 2018 we launched our third project working in partnership with Swaziland Fair Trade (SWIFT). ). This project is supporting 100 women who, together with a further 1,900, sell their handcrafts at the Manzini Bus Station.

Cuencas del Huallaga

In the Peruvian Amazon, cocoa producer Cuencas del Huallaga exemplify the promise of technology with their growth into international markets since their conception in 2018.


Ivory Coast supplies 30% of the world’s total cocoa, with large corporations like Nestle and Cadbury sourcing much of their cocoa here.


Ecookim was established in 2004 and is an important player in Ivory Coast’s cocoa value chain. Membership has now grown to reach 23 farmer co-operatives, with 22,570 individual producers covering two different provinces.


Educe are a honey co-operative, working with almost 1,000 beekeepers in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. This area is known for its production of high-quality honey, particularly from the Melipona bee, which is native to the region.

Garden Fresh

Pioneering father-and-son owned co-operative Garden Fresh support over 300 farmers in the production and export of high quality fruit and vegetables at the heart of Rwanda.

Gourmet Gardens

Gourmet Gardens are a Fairtrade vanilla, cocoa and chilli co-operative based in Uganda.

Growing Fairer Futures: Ivory Coast

Our Growing Fairer Futures project sees us work closely with 50 young people in Ivory Coast, to help make their cocoa farms more sustainable.


Our third Growing Fairer Futures project will support young people in western Rwanda to establish their own coffee farms.


Guayapi is a French importer and distributor of wild plants from the Amazon Rainforest and the hills of Sri Lanka.

Huye Coffee

Huye Coffee are located in the southern province of Rwanda and work with 10,173 coffee farmers, to export their produce to the UK, USA, Thailand, Singapore and Japan.


Working in partnership with local co-operative CECAFE, we are supporting coffee farmers in the northern jungle of Peru to increase their resilience to the coffee borer beetle, and produce their own supply of organic compost.


Working in partnership with not for profit organisation TradeAid Integrated, this project will support a group of Ghanaian basket weavers to establish a vegetable farm without the use of soil.


Working in partnership with Bukonzo Organic Farmers Co-operative Union (BOCU), this project will support Ugandan smallholder coffee farmers to increase their coffee yield, and diversify into passion fruit production.

Inka Moss

Founded in 2010, Inka Moss helps farmers in the highlands of Peru to benefit from a growing market.


Kenyan coffee co-operative, Kabuboni has been able to fund a dairy project, and farmers are able to earn an additional income following our Access to Finance project.


Kibinge Coffee Farmers’ Co-operative Society Limited is named after the region in which it is located in Central Uganda, about 150 kilometres from the capital, Kampala. The region is renowned for its high-quality Robusta coffee.


KOAKAKA (Koperative y’ abahinzi ba Kawa Karaba) coffee co-operative lies on the edge of the Nyungwe rainforest in the South Province of Rwanda.

La Florida

In 1966, a group of 50 coffee farmers from the Chanchamayo region of Peru – known for its mixture of mountains and jungle – united to form La Florida (Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera La Florida), one of the oldest co-operatives in the country.

Liberation Nuts

Amidst a challenging market, Liberation, the UK’s only Fairtrade, farmer owned nut company, defied the odds to end the year with a profit.

Little Green Radicals

Based in London, Little Green Radicals began with the simple idea of making beautiful clothes for children, produced with the greatest care and attention to detail.

Malawi Fairtrade Network

Through our work with the Malawi Fairtrade Network, eight tea and sugar co-operatives have drawn closer to achieving their longer term goals through financial planning.

Mata Traders

Not all clothing retailers put margin before morals, and Mata Traders is one of those that continues to put ethics first.


Founded in 2018 with the purpose of improving the livelihoods of local smallholder farmers, Mishagro has since expanded substantially after obtaining Fairtrade and organic certification. Learn more.


Norandino was founded in 1995 with 200 members. Today, the group has grown and diversified, representing over 6,000 coffee, cocoa and sugar cane producers.

Nyame Akwan

Nyame Akwan is a Fairtrade orange producer based in the Ashanti region of Ghana.


Pragor is an avocado producers based in Mexico.


Founded in 2011, Procafé is a co-operative union created to improve the income and standard of living for coffee-producing families in the region of San Juan del Río Coco in northern Nicaragua.


PRODECOOP (Promotora de Desarrollo Cooperativo de Las Segovias) coffee co-operative in Nicaragua is committed to raising awareness of women’s rights - not just within the organisation itself but also throughout coffee-growing communities.

Quality Supplier Foods

Founded in 2020, Quality Supplier Foods supports 32 producers in the Puno region of Peru through the sale of quinoa, fava beans chia seeds and other indigenous seeds and grains.


Founded in 1949, SERRV International was one of the first fair trade organisations in the world. Learn the story of SERRV and the impact of your ethical investment.

Simbi Coffee

Simbi Coffee, based in Rwanda, became a customer after going through our virtual due diligence process in March 2021.

Socak Katana

Socak Katana, are a cocoa co-operative based in north-west Ivory Coast with over 2,500 members.


SOCODD (Société Coopérative Dialogue de Djékanou) was founded in 2010 by 150 producers from three villages, who decided to come together with a shared vision of improving livelihoods for farmers.

Suhum Co-operative

Suhum cocoa co-operative in Ghana is using a Shared Interest loan to improve their community.


With the support of Comic Relief, Shared Interest Foundation has been working in Swaziland since 2010.

TradeAID Integrated

TradeAID Integrated is a not-for-profit organisation working with 65 basket weaver groups in the Bolgatanga area of the Upper East Region of Ghana.

Tropic Coffee

Family owned Rwandan coffee co-operative Tropic Coffee have been a Shared Interest customer since 2018, receiving loans to help prefinance their coffee contracts and grow their business.

Twongere Kawa Coko

Coffee production in Rwanda is focused on quality rather than quantity. Known as the 'land of a thousands hills', many of the farmers grow their produce on hillsides within lush, untamed valleys.


With over a decade of experience, UCASA honey co-operative plays a vital role in the El Sauce community of Nicaragua.


UES is a group of 1,379 coffee producers from Chiapas estate, South Pacific of Mexico.


UGF/CDN is a shea butter co-operative in Reo, Burkina Faso established 25 years ago.


Upromabio was founded as a co-operative in 2009. Based in Burkina Faso, the co-operative works with over 100 farmers, including 43 male mango farmers and 56 female hibiscus farmers.

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